La trasmutazione nucleare del Cesio e dello Stronzio tra le più importanti scoperte del Giappone nel 2004!

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The Nikkei-Shinbun (Japanese Financial Times) wrote an article on the most important technological trends in 2004, on its science page of 27th December 2004 issue. The Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) transmutation works (leader Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura) by deuterium permeation through Pd complexes were ranked No.3. The No.1 was the bio energy synthesis by the joint work of Hamamastsu Photonics Co. and University of Tokyo. 5 out of top 20 were related to the information transfer technology by quantum communications. The MHI work was only one ranked within 20s, for nuclear related science and technology. The Nikkei-Shinbun wrote, about the MHI work as: «This is a very innovative technology to make transmutation of elements with low costs, compared with existing methods as fission reactors and big accelerators, and when rare-noble elements will be produced like ?alchemy? it will be so beneficial to humanity».