Greenpeace – Durban climate talks: Last Chance for the Usa

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On the eve of the opening of the latest round of climate talks in Durban Greenpeace today declared that it is time for our Governments to stop listening to the carbon-intensive polluting corporations and start listening to the people who want an end to our dependence on fossil fuels and real and immediate action on climate change.

This round of the climate talks, the 17th Conference of the Parties, must be the point where our Governments respond to the international climate crisis by adopting a clear roadmap towards a science based, global agreement, which ensures that all countries take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions dramatically and that financial and technical support is delivered to the poor countries.

The COP is being held on the African continent which bears the greatest social injustices due to the impacts of climate change. South Africa, as the continent’s highest CO2 emitter, must show climate leadership to reach a meaningful outcome at the end of COP.

“To be clear, Africa is already bearing the brunt of the climate gone awry but that’s not enough for the US government. When the Mississippi basin turns to dust they can hang their heads in shame for letting this opportunity slip through their fingers,” said Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International Executive Director from Durban.

The argument that the US is a major emitter and must be part of a global agreement is increasingly looking like an excuse for inaction on the part of other governments, such as the EU, and emerging economies including India and China.

If the US still fails to cooperate and engage in a global fight on stabilising the climate, its time for govts such as the EU, and emerging economies including India and stop using the US as an excuse for inaction.

“The entire global effort must not fail because of the USA,” said Tove Ryding, Greenpeace International Co-ordinator for Climate Policy.

Greenpeace is calling on governments in Durban to listen to the people and not the polluting corporations, and:

  • Ensure a peak in global emissions by 2015
  • Emission reductions: Close the gap between politics and science
  • Ensure that the Kyoto Protocol continues and provide a mandate for a comprehensive legally binding instrument
  • Deliver the necessary climate finance
  • Set up a framework for protecting forests in developing countries
  • Address the needs of the most vulnerable countries and communities
  • Ensure global cooperation on technology and energy finance
  • Ensure international transparency in assessing and monitoring country commitments and actions
  • Ensure transparency, democracy and full participation in the UNFCCC process

“No-one is saying it is easy – if it was easy it would have been done by now. But that’s no reason to keep wasting trillions of dollars investing in dirty energy and instead of spending it on a renewable energy future,” said Tove Ryding Greenpeace International Co-ordinator for Climate Policy.

(Fonte Greenpeace International)